Saturday, September 19, 2009

Odds and ends

What a long time since I last posted. I have been very busy this summer. We decided to plant our first ever garden this year and it has been fun, as well as lots of work. We opted for the square foot garden and it has been an interesting experiment. We only have one box this year and will definitely add a couple more for next year, even though it wasn't very productive this year. The first mistake was in deciding to do this too late in the summer. Next year we will get started earlier and be a little more diligent in what we plant. We did have a few good items, like some great tomatoes, a few zucchini and yellow crookneck squash. But the big item was our trash barrel of Yukon Gold potatoes! Next year we will have three barrels and plant three different types of potatoes.

We have also made a couple of trips this summer. First to visit our oldest son and his family in North Logan, UT. Their second son returned from two years in Barcelona Spain! He served a mission there and it was really great to have him back home. The next trip was to meet our newest great-grandchild. Elena was born on August 26th and we enjoyed getting acquainted with her. She is the fourth great-grandchild, but first girl. Next up will be a trip to see my sister and her husband in Anaconda, MT. They are going to be there for a week and then follow us back home to finally see our new home in Billings. In October, we hope we will be able to go down to Orem, UT and meet our 25th grandchild.

I also keep very busy with my cardmaking. I have been asked to make all the birthday cards for the ladies in our church. That amounts to more than 100 cards a year. Then there are about 60 or so members of the family. Add to that all the new babies, anniversaries, weddings and holidays, you can see that this keeps me very busy. But this is my first love (after my husband and family) and I treasure every moment spent in my craft room. I also spend a lot of time online, checking out all the cardmaking blogs to get new ideas. I will try and be more diligent about posting.
Here are a couple of my recent cards.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Cards for every one at church! That is some task. You are going to be one busy woman! I so appreciated your visiting my blog. Thank you for your nice comment. And congrats to you on your great grandchild! That is wonderful! Best, Curt
